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2.2. Software Repositories

The repository definition is critical, they can defined as a collection of ordered, sorted and available software to be used by compatible tools to download it and manipulate it. These repositories have data and metadata to be able to process e.g. remote searches without the need to trace full paths.
The repository concept is crucial in the history of GNU/Linux distributions, from which Fedora is one of them. What is know as "the distribution" or simply Fedora, is the DVD or LiveCD, and this perception is wrong. Fedora is a repository based distribution and it is not limited to what is chosen to build a selection and its distribution in a phisical media or particular access method. Fedora are all the software packages available in official repositories. The DVD or LiveCD for the current version of Fedora is just a particular selection and format ready to use.
Software repositories are then the base for the distribution as such but it is also a tool for system administrators to deploy their systems and networks in a more orderly, controlled and safe way. Each system administrator can build software repositories to deploy the required software to a network with workstations or servers.
You can also use it as a cache or mirror of the official repositories and avoid the excessive use of Internet for software installing and updating on Fedora workstations and servers network. Later we will stop in the creation of software repositories.
It is important to note that the repositories used in Fedora are YUM repositories that can be available vía http:// , ftp:// and file:// access methods.